Fathom Film Group is looking for illustrators and graphic designers to create a logo for our upcoming ‘NOT AN ENEMY’ film campaign! We need buttons, t-shirts, and stickers made up for supporters of our feature documentary, My Enemy, My Brother. We need designs to match our project’s central message – that we/you/I am ‘Not an Enemy’ or ‘Not Your Enemy.’ All designs will be featured on our social media pages, and the design with the most votes will printed on our swag and sent to you and all of our supporters!
Interested in participating? Here’s how:
Step 1 – Email Jason Rayner at jason@fathomfilmgroup.com to introduce yourself, and mention any design ideas big or small.
Step 2 – Create a graphic design from one or more of your ideas, something punchy that will look good on a button, t-shirt/cap/bumper sticker. Deadline: May 22, 2015, but the sooner you send it in, the sooner we’ll post your design up for voting.
Step 3 – We will post up the designs on Facebook and Twitter and ask people to vote for their favourites. Share your design and spread the word!
Step 4 – We will announce a winner on July 7! The winning designs will be printed on t-shirts, stickers, buttons that will be used to support the film, with the first batch sent to the designers. We will also incorporate the winning designs into the artwork for the final film and the winning designers will be in the film credits!
A few slogans we have considered:
We also hope the hamsa can be used as a motif since it symbolizes strength. That said, we welcome any ideas you may have to contribute to our ‘Not an Enemy’ campaign.
Thank you for joining the effort, we look forward to seeing your designs!