Released this past summer, The Family China has won the Anne Green Award for innovation in narrative form.
Writer Ann Shin will be reading from The Family China and screening Smashing China videos at several literary festivals and events this fall, starting this Sunday, Sept 14 in Eden Mills.
Saturday, September 14, 2013:
Reading at Eden Mills Literary Festival
Tuesday, September 24:
Reading at Winnipeg’s International Writer’s Festival, ThinAir Festival: Main-stage reading, and campus reading.
Thursday, October 10:
Poets’ Dinner Party: Diaspora Dialogues at Grano Restaurant
Tuesday, October 15:
Reading and Performance at Calgary’s Wordfest
Friday, October 25 and Sunday, October 27:
Reading at Vancouver International Writer’s Festival
#46 Pure Poetry, Friday, October 25, 10:00-11:30 AM, Waterfront Theatre
#75 Catharsis, Sunday, October 27, 10:30 AM-12 noon, Studio 1398
Sunday, November 3:
LIT Live Reading, Hamilton
Thursday November 21-25:
literASIAN Writer’s Festival, Vancouver